Deaf Evangelism And Fellowship, Inc.
"Ministering to Deaf Globally."
P.O. Box 32, North Syracuse,
New York 13212-0032
Your Support
Help us reach more Deaf around the World
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Deaf Evangelism And Fellowship, Inc.
is a faith based mission sending organization. It is not underwritten or subsidized by any
particular group, church or denomination. The mission and missionaries
trust the Lord to supply needed funds for the support of the
individual Missionary to the Deaf for their work and special projects. We look to God to
direct individuals and local churches to pray for and contribute to
this vital ministry.
Your regular financial support will help to touch the lives of Deaf people around the world with the Gospel of Christ - through churches, camps, Deaf events and personal evangelism.
These activities are overseen by the board of Directors of
Did you know the Deaf are the 4th largest unreached people group in the world? ............
Will you help us reach them?
INVOLVEMENT-- We invite you to participate in the
ministry of Deaf Evangelism And Fellowship, Inc. (D.E.A.F., Inc.).
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you desire. After completing the form, clip and mail to the address